First Entry 2003-08-15 7:46 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So, here it is. My new diary...I kinda like the username, because Michael 'dubbed' me that and all...Heh.

I couldn't get any frames stuff to work. I'm hoping to later on (soon-ish) to get a frames layout to work by purchasing a Diaryland member gold package for 10.99/3 months. You can upload things and get 5 megs worth of space...and maybe the html for the frames will work with that. So, until then, I refuse to deal with messy table layouts and have used this layout, which is also found on my review site.

A little unoriginal, but hey! It's only temporary! I may even change the layout again tomorrow to something prettier (maybe div layers..). I just had to write though, and I could not do so without a new layout that satisfied me.

I got home from my visit with Michael on Wednesday. Kakeru had died earlier that morning, so I guess I'll dedicate this diary to him, since I got it the day after his death. I really do miss him, as he was my favorite of the two rats. That wasn't the only surprise awaiting me, no sirree. I came home to find that my PS2 and 15 games were stolen, along with 2 DVD sets and a bookbag. Total cost = over $1,000 dollars. I was going to go to the pawn shop today but it's closed. I will walk down tomorrow morning though, and if I see -any- of my games there, I'll -definately- contact the police. I'm pretty sure that it was that Justin kid, as I found out from Brooke today that he had watned to come in my room and look around while I was gone and she as here. Thankfully, Brooke had enough good head about her so as to not let him. That obviously didn't stop him though, seeing as how he knocked Lindsay and Brooke's bedroom window out and came in here and got it anyway.

In spite of all this, I'm really happy. Why? Uncle Chuck called today. He gets out of jail on October the 8th and is going to live at my old house; Dana will be paying the rent. When he gets out, I CAN LEAVE THIS HELLHOLE TRAILER! :D It won't be so bad, he and I used to get along when we were younger until he got "holier than thou". He's not so bad now as he was last year, and -anything-, I mean -anything- is better than here. I eagerly look forward to October 9 - 12, days in which I'll be moving out!

Thank the Gods! ^_^

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